Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Sleep isn't your best friend. Proof :

  1. Wake up
  2. Curse in your head
  3. Sleep
  4. Wake up again
  5. Brush
  6. Bathe
  7. Sleep
  8. Apply Medicine on your head
  9. Sleep
  10. Pick up the bag and pick up the Eat
  11. Go to the bus and fall asleep.
  12. Principal's speech, you go to sleep.
  13. Prefect's Warning, you just count the sheep.
  14. Walk in, hug your maitays
  15. Look away , you're caught by ladies
  16. Walk up the stairs, walk up straight
  17. Keep walking up, walk all the way
  18. Finally, you reach class
  19. Then you realize, it's a Saturday :D
  20. Yeah Just messing with you, Wake up for class, you had fallen asleep.
Yeah, which poor sucker is that XD


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