Friday, February 25, 2011

Nice Knowing You, Facebook

Face What?
So, yesterday, I decided to do the one thing I used to think I could never do...
The ONE thing that I don't think ANYONE could ever do, once they've been ensnared by its charms..

Leave Facebook Forever *Jaw drop*

I still remember the day I joined Facebook. It was on the nth of *cough**cough*mber (what do dates matter, really?), and I was rather reluctant. See, I simply detest objects or things which may be liked by a majority. It's not a personal choice, it just happens. 
For instance. 
Harry Potter (the books, mind you).
Twilight (Don't even get me started on the walking daylight disco balls)
Star Wars (I tried, I really tried)

And, well, you get the point. 
And Facebook, a craze at that time (and at this one too), was at the top of my list.
I just didn't understand why people needed the INTERNET to maintain social relationships, the concept just escaped me. I didn't understand what was so great about the magnificent Blue-on-white Giant that had taken over so many lives. 
So if I hated it so much, why did I join? Peer pressure. I think that pretty much sums it up :P

When I logged in for the first time, I asked myself what was so great about it. I thought nothing.
I mean really, walls to post on, posts to comment on, comments to click like on, like to show you're bored and so on, although, at that time, there were no "Likes".
But, slowly and unassumingly, I began to get sucked in to the Blue Knight's world.
The trademarked-by-Facebook urge to login every few minutes to look for that little red box on the top left with a white number in it, it just took over me. I was officially a, dare I say it, Facebook User...Facebooker..Facebookite, whatever you want to call it.

The next couple of years of my life went to Facebook. Sure, it was distracting but it wasn't all bad. I mean, if it weren't for Facebook, I wouldn't have known many of the people that I do now. And I'm glad for that, it's been an integral part of my life.

Then came yesterday. With just 9 days left for major examinations to start, I was studying sure, but I was also logging into the social networking platform every now and then. And then, at the end of the day, it finally got to me. It finally ticked me off. Nine days  left for the most important exams of my life (so far) and Facebook's where most of my time is going.

Then I realized, it's time to end it. It's time, to finish it.
Sick of everything, I headed over to my Account Options, and clicked Deactivate Account.
While going through the process of deactivating my account, a notification came up about a comment on some photo. I halted the deactivation process there and went to see the comment.

It was pointless.
So then, I decided to go through with it.
I went back to account options and did the deactivation process, this time without any distractions. Facebook tried to slow me down by showing pictures of my friends and I and saying "So-and-so will miss you", but that didn't deter my efforts to be free from the Social Behemoth.
Finally, I went through the last deactivation check. And there, I was back to the familiar homepage which I would visit every now and then.

It was done. 

No more Facebook for me. I am never going back to it... least, not until my board exams get over :P

For those of you who thought I had gone ahead and completely left Facebook forever, I am so happy I mislead you. For those of you I didn't mislead, sleep with one eye open (unless you're the Twilight Boy?) and for those of you who didn't read this..there's no point in me saying anything because, well, you didn't read this.

All I did was deactivate for a while. I'm sorry if this whole post just wasted your time, but it was to prove a very valid point:

Facebook wastes your time.

But I'm pretty sure that everyone knows that point crystal clear already so I guess it was a mega time waste for my to try and prove it.

Oh well. 
At least with my deactivation, there's a guaranteed extra 5% in boards for me >:)


Sushmitaa said...

I've changed me password :')
poooh , btww its me.or you know what , dont know me, it'd be better if i was uknown or something :D

Sushmitaa said...

okay it shows my name. fail.

Adarsh Sinha said...

:O You have a blogger account? How cool :P Thanks for loving ^_^

Kaivalya said...

Perfectly said Adarsh. :)

Meghna Acharya said...

Could'nt agree more (Y)